Our HR Consulting Services
Policies Development
Each organization is different and may necessitate the creation of specific HR policies and practices that staff members must adhere to. The management and operational policies that are now in place and how well they were formed will determine the organizational success of your corporation as it expands.Through our HR policy development services, we help clients develop and streamline the HR policies of their organizations.
Recruitment Services
We handle the staffing needs of businesses of all sizes, including start-ups, large corporations, and sectors including IT, engineering, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, and FMCG. The fact that we can offer you people with experience in the same industry, a connected industry sector, or a completely unrelated subject is a big benefit in this situation. Clients can choose from full-time, temporary, or part-time staffing solutions from SIGMA INFOTECH.
Training and Development
Activities aimed at enhancing the performance of both individuals and groups fall under the category of training and development. The range of the focus includes everything from assisting individual learners' training and educational needs to fostering organizational- and competency development across leadership, departments, and functions. Along with the technology aspects of training, such as the creation and implementation of learning management systems, learning and development also includes the soft aspects of development, such as coaching and mentoring.Our training programs and assessments are created after properly understanding the value structure, and immediate and long-term objectives of our clients' organizations.
Performance Management system
We believe that Performance Management is a system that's all about setting teammates up for success.We design a system that will basically help in developing, implementing, and establishing Employee Performance monitoring based on objective settings and feedback management systems in your company.
Payroll management
We provide efficient payroll administration services so you can avoid the headaches and time-consuming activities of payroll processing while also improving resource management. With years of experience handling payroll processing while being sensitive to all statutory compliances, we are regarded as one of the top providers of payroll administration services.
HR Statutory Compliances
SIGMA INFOTECH assists clients in ensuring adherence to legal requirements like labour law. We offer businesses advising services on statutory compliances and related activities, as well as assistance with the upkeep of registers, licenses, government inspections, etc.